How to: Add some MATIC to your Metamask Wallet

3 min readJan 12, 2022

Initial Disclaimer: You have to do your own research on what method suits you better, we personally haven’t tested Options 3 to 5, do it at your own risk, Our preferred method is withdrawing MATIC from an Exchange as let us trade and withdraw without too much hassle. Mooneh Team is not responsible of what Option or method you use, as everything in Crypto do at your own risk.-

To do any transaction on the Polygon network having MATIC balance in the wallet is required to make any transactions.

Here you’ll find some options to get MATIC in your Polygon Mainnet Wallet.

Option 1: Withdraw MATIC from Exchange

Withdraw MATIC directly to your Polygon wallet from a supported exchange (Binance, Huobi, etc).

Last time I added some MATIC to my account, Binance had blocked the network, huobi worked fine. As a recommendation please be sure you select Network Polygon or Matic when you send the funds to your wallet, or you will lose them.

Option 2: MoonPay

Go to , make sure to select “ETH — Ethereum (Polygon)” as the currency and then follow the option 5: Swap for Gas

Option 3: Bridge from Ethereum (Polygon Bridge)

Switch to the “Ethereum Mainnet” network by clicking the dropdown button at the top of MetaMask

Go to

Connect your MetaMask wallet and sign the message in MetaMask that confirms your wallet ownership

Under “From Ethereum chain”, select any token with value in your wallet and an amount of your choice

Click ‘Transfer’ and follow the prompts

Confirm the transaction in MetaMask (this will cost additional ETH to pay for the gas/transaction fees, which can be quite expensive)

Wait ~8 minutes for your Polygon network MATIC balance to update

Convert whichever token you transferred into MATIC using “Method 6: Swap For Gas” below

Option 4: Bridge from a different chain

There a number of different ‘bridge’ apps which allow you to transfer tokens from a non-Polygon-chain onto Polygon.

xPollinate allows for bridging to Polygon from:
Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Fantom, Arbitrum, Avalanche, xDai

Transfer tokens from your chosen network to Polygon using xPollinate

Convert whichever token you transferred into MATIC using “Method 6: Swap For Gas” below

Option 5: Swap For Gas

Requirement: you must have a token with value in your wallet on the Polygon network.

The best part about this method is you don’t need any MATIC to begin with in order to swap for MATIC.

Switch to the “Polygon” network in MetaMask (if you haven’t already)

Go to

Choose the amount of MATIC you want to get (click a preset amount or type in your own custom amount), e.g. 1–2 MATIC

Under “Swap from”, choose a token with value in your wallet that you want to partially convert into MATIC
Note: ETH will be written as “Ether (PoS-WETH)”

Click “Approve” and sign the gasless transaction in MetaMask

Click “Swap” and sign the gasless transaction in MetaMask

Within 30 seconds, you should see your MATIC balance in MetaMask increase by the amount you specified.

As a final remark: when you transfer in the crypto world from one wallet to another, between exchanges or even bridges. There are some recommendations you should consider: Do not to send from one exchange directly to another, double check the address you’re sending to as if you make a mistake your funds will be lost, and always make sure NOT to send your seedphrase of your wallet (12 or 24 words) to anyone (Nobody on the Mooneh team will ask for them). Be adviced.-




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